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1、Youth is like the early spring, like the Great Asahi, such as Bai Hui's adorable, such as the new hair of the blade, the most precious period of life.Young people are in society, and fresh and lively cells are in the body.

2、If you can't do what you want to do, you should want to do what you can do

3、I am exhausted with my years and time to miss the old and deserted land we have made.With your youth and energy, you can cover the memories and time we have gone through.I'm missing you, you are forgetting me.Many things only know after experiencing. The same thing is another world as different people.

4、The basic efforts of a community may be to try to make their members equal, but the self -esteem of their members always want to be out of place to form some kind of inequality to themselves somewhere.

5、I was too brave and decided to live for you alone.

6、If life is colorful, then youth must be the most gorgeous of them; if life is blended with movement, then youth must be the most vibrant.

7、In the past, it was my dusty diary. Suddenly, I counted them. They were neat but blurred and far away.I think, maybe behind the monument called love!



10、The young people are unknown, and the elderly are worried about the known loneliness; the middle age is middle -aged, the rivers and mountains have been determined, the future is holding, and the future can be dominated by themselves to fully enjoy it.


12、There is no hopes, there is no struggle.

13、Think about it, why not life after another? Freight birth, parting childhood, dividing youth ... until the end of life.This is a different kind of sorrow in the hearts of us from the parting of time.

14、Since you can't do everything you want, you should do everything you can do, creating great figures.

15、In the world, there is nothing more precious than youth, but youth is the easiest to disappear.The most valuable things are not very cherished, but the easiest thing to disappear is promoting its disappearance.Who can maintain forever is a great person.

16、Youth is like a song, singing the legend of life; youth is like flowers, depicting the scroll of life; youth is like dancing, dancing the charm of life.



19、It is mine, that is mine. I have left, and it can only show that he has never belonged to me. Maybe love is rigid, but marriage is flexible. We all have to learn compromise.

20、If you want to wear it when you are old, then you should be courteous when you are young.

21、Hope is the benefits of the only one who share it together; people who have nothing still have hope.


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